Material handling equipment:
is all equipment that relates to the movement, storage, control and protection of materials, goods and products throughout the process of manufacturing, distribution, consumption and disposal. Material handling equipment is the mechanical equipment involved in the complete system. Material handling equipment is generally separated into four main categories: storage and handling equipment, engineered systems, industrial trucks, and bulk material handling.
Ways in Which Material Handling Equipment Can Improve Companies Efficiency
Material handling equipment is used to increase output, control costs, and maximize productivity. There are several ways to determine if the material handling equipment is achieving peak efficiency. These include capturing all relevant data related to the warehouse’s operation (such as SKUs), measuring how many times an item is “touched” from the time it is ordered until it leaves the building, making sure you are using the proper picking technology, and keeping system downtime to a minimum……
Types of Material Handling Equipment
Storage and handling equipment
Storage and handling equipment is a category within the material handling industry. The equipment that falls under this description is usually non-automated storage equipment. Products such as pallet racking, shelving, carts, etc. belong to storage and handling. Many of these products are often referred to as “catalog” items because they generally have globally accepted standards and are often sold as stock materials out of Material handling catalogs.
Engineered systems
Engineered systems are typically custom engineered material handling systems. Conveyors, Handling Robots, AS/RS, AGV and most other automated material handling systems fall into this category. Engineered systems are often a combination of products integrated to one system. Many distribution centers will optimize storage and picking by utilizing engineered systems such as pick modules and sortation systems.
Tags: bridge cranes, cranes, CT, Equipment, gorbel, handling, hoist, hoist repairs, jib cranes, materials