Getting It Right With A Work Station Crane Before Production Started

Getting It Right With A Work Station Crane Before Production Started

When John Morley Decided to open Regal Granite & Marble in 2004, he did his homework first. He selected top raw materials providers, chose his location carefully, and researched his equipment purchases. Having been in the industry for many years prior to opening...

Work Station Crane Helps Service Two Welding Robots

The customer is a manufacturer of motorized recreational and industrial carts. In this work cell, a steel tube frame and a welding jig are used to form the cart frame. The final dimensions of the finished frame when lifted out of the jig are approximately 108” X 70”...

Work Station Crane Helps Double Productivity

Professional Fabrications, Inc. is a small fabrication shop in suburban Wisconsin which cuts and forms sheet metal for radiators, generators and other electrical applications. The sheet metal being handled typically measures between 4 and 5 feet wide by 8 to 10 feet...

Wire Company Gets Productivity Jolt with Gorbel Workstation Crane

A manufacturer of insulated power and control cables for use in consumer electronics, aerospace and petrochemical industries was experiencing a drag in productivity and risking injury in its “bunching” application. Full spools of wire are loaded onto one end of the...